
Celebal Technologies 宣布與 INCIT 建立全球戰略合作夥伴關係,透過 XIRI Analytics 推動永續轉型

XIRI Analytics is an innovative platform that enables stakeholders to analyse ESG data and extract vital sustainability insights to achieve true transformation.

Worldwide, 02 November 2023, Singapore – Celebal Technologies, a prominent software services provider renowned for its leadership in data and AI, is proud to announce a global strategic partnership with INCIT (International Centre for Industrial Transformation) that promises to redefine the landscape of sustainability, ESG excellence, and industry transformation.

The mission of this visionary alliance is to empower enterprises to embrace sustainability as the focal point of their strategic vision. At the core of this partnership lies XIRI 分析, an innovative platform that includes a spectrum of prioritisation indexes such as the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) and the Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index (COSIRI).

XIRI Analytics provides crucial insights to a diverse range of stakeholders, including governments, policymakers, private firms, financial institutions, and equity companies, by thoroughly examining ESG data. This comprehensive analysis encompasses sustainability, digitalisation, and GHG emissions. These insights serve as invaluable resources, empowering stakeholders to make well-informed, data-driven decisions pertaining to investments, policies, and business strategies.

By placing sustainability and Industry X.0 at the forefront of their digital transformation journeys, XIRI Analytics helps these entities to align their goals with a forward-thinking, future-oriented approach. Moreover, SIRI and COSIRI, functioning as Prioritisation Indexes, play pivotal roles in guiding stakeholders towards areas that require enhancement and structuring priorities based on factual analytics. This further streamlines their decision-making process, enabling them to effectively pursue their transformation objectives.

Mr. Raimund Klein, Founder and CEO of INCIT said: “Teaming up with Celebal Technologies to bring XIRI Analytics to life is a pivotal moment for INCIT. Together, we’re spearheading a sustainability revolution in the manufacturing sector through cutting-edge analytics. This partnership signifies conscientious progress and sets a benchmark for how data and analytics can steer industry transformation towards a more sustainable future.”

Mr. Anirudh Kala, Co-Founder and CEO of Celebal Technologies, stated: “We are excited to embark on this transformative journey with INCIT. Sustainability is not just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental shift in the way businesses operate. We’re committed to providing our clients with the means to excel in this new era of responsible growth. XIRI Analytics is a powerful tool for driving this transformation.”

Through the integration of XIRI Analytics, Celebal Technologies and INCIT are enabling companies to drive positive change, mitigate climate impact, practice social responsibility, and uphold good governance. This will not only lead to increased profitability but also enhance reputation and secure a sustainable future for both the company and society.



International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) 是一家獨立的非政府機構,其成立目的是引領全球製造業轉型,總部位於新加坡。 INCIT 倡導製造商的工業 4.0 之旅,為所有製造利益相關者開發和部署全球參考的框架、工具、概念和計劃,以倡導智慧和永續製造的全球崛起。

欲了解更多信息,請訪問: https://incit.org/


About Celebal Technologies:

Celebal Technologies 是一家全球知名的跨國公司,總部位於印度齋浦爾。 Celebal Technologies 在美國、印度、亞太地區、阿聯酋、歐洲和加拿大擁有強大的影響力,是 Microsoft 和 Databricks 等領先科技巨頭值得信賴的合作夥伴。該公司擁有令人印象深刻的客戶群,包括財富 500 強公司的 90%,指導他們完成變革性的數位化旅程。 Celebal Technologies 擁有涵蓋 BFSI、能源、石油和天然氣、製造、零售、醫療保健、航空和教育等多個行業的專業知識,為企業提供創新的雲端解決方案和尖端技術。他們的專業領域包括人工智慧、大數據、分析、機器學習、基礎設施和資料庫遷移、應用程式現代化以及開創性的生成式人工智慧技術集成,促進無與倫比的生產力和數位轉型之旅的成功。有關 Celebal 技術的更多信息,請訪問 www.celebaltech.com。

For media inquiries, please contact:

Jessica Melky-Macnamara
Manning and Co Group
[email protected]
+61 411 586 244


International Centre for Industrial Transformation(INCIT)以引領全球製造業轉型為目標,倡導製造商的工業4.0之旅,並倡導智慧製造在全球的崛起。 INCIT 是一家獨立的非政府機構,為所有製造業利益相關者開發和部署全球參考的框架、工具、概念和計劃,以幫助激發數位轉型。





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