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INCIT'nin artan küresel desteği: Sonraki Sanayi Devrimi 2023 için Techup ve Greenup


| August 28, 2023

Our CEO and Founder, Raimund Klein, represented INCIT during this two-day interactive workshop titled ‘Techup and Greenup for Next Industrial Revolution 2023’. Held on August 14 and 15 in Malaysia, the event was attended by distinguished participants including government ministries, industry associations, banks, fintech organisations, SMEs and MNCs.

INCIT’s increasing global outreach: Techup and Greenup for Next Industrial Revolution 2023
INCIT'nin artan küresel desteği: Sonraki Sanayi Devrimi 2023 için Techup ve Greenup

Event highlights

This workshop, featuring diverse presentations and breakout sessions, delved into vital subjects including Industry4WARD readiness assessments, credit risk assessments, and comprehension of ESG dimensions. Additionally, inspirational success stories from SMEs underscored the promising prospects of Malaysia’s Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Participants also engaged in insightful discussions and knowledge exchanges, highlighting the profound influence Industry 4.0 has on Malaysia’s industries.

With a successful conclusion, attendees left with valuable insights and acquired new profound knowledge. INCIT remains dedicated to driving digital and sustainable transformation across industries, aiding businesses, industry stakeholders, governments, and more in surmounting industrial challenges and elevating economies to greater heights.

A projector screen showing a presentation on the eco system.

Establishing strategic partnerships

INCIT’s participation in this event came as an invite from our strategic and trusted partner, the Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC). INCIT joined hands with SHRDC earlier this April to set up the first Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index (COSIRI) training and examination centre in Malaysia.

The training and examination centre was set up with the aim to enrich learning and skills development for workers, industry experts, practitioners, and other stakeholders regarding matters such as ESG ratings, sustainability and more.

Upon completion of the training and examination course, participants can elevate their career journeys by becoming sustainability transformation consultants by having the certification to conduct assessments for companies looking to leverage the COSIRI prioritisation index. COSIRI allows companies to gauge their sustainability maturity levels and generate future roadmaps for their transformation journeys.

Ziyaret etmek https://incit.org/en/services to learn more about our services or contact us at [email protected] daha fazla bilgi için.

INCIT Hakkında

Küresel üretim dönüşümüne öncülük etme hedefiyle kurulan International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT), üreticilerin Endüstri 4.0 yolculuklarına öncülük ediyor ve akıllı üretimin küresel yükselişini savunuyor. INCIT, dijital dönüşümün kıvılcımlanmasına yardımcı olmak amacıyla tüm üretim paydaşları için küresel olarak referanslı çerçeveler, araçlar, konseptler ve programlar geliştiren ve dağıtan bağımsız, hükümet dışı bir enstitüdür.

Sorularınız için lütfen bize e-posta gönderin: [email protected]

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