A black background showcasing a white logo inspired by SIRI.


Planning and executing an Industry 4.0 transformation roadmap is no small undertaking. It requires companies to invest significant resources into various areas.

A collage of images showing a worker working on a machine.

COSIRI Prioritisation Index and Accompanying Tools

Planning and implementing sustainable practices is no small undertaking. It requires companies to invest significant resources into various areas such as conducting research, engaging solution providers, running cost-benefit analyses, and monitoring progress of projects.

We aim to help manufacturers along this journey by educating them on the 101 on best practices and providing concepts that form a useful foundation for future action. As with all things, knowledge is only useful when it is put into practice. We hope the suite of COSIRI frameworks and tools will bolster manufacturers confidence, reduce their uncertainty, and encourage them to take the next step towards implementation.

LEAD Framework

Performing a sustainability transformation of a manufacturing facility is not a one-off exercise. Rather, it is a continuous and iterative process. This is encapsulated in the LEAD framework: a circular, continuous four-step process that all manufacturers can adopt in their approach towards sustainability transformation.

Learn key concepts and build a common language for alignment


Evaluate the state of existing facilities and the company’s readiness level for sustainability transformation


Architect a comprehensive sustainability transformation strategy and implementation roadmap


Deliver impact and sustain transformation initiatives

Assessment Matrix

The Assessment Matrix is the world’s first Industry 4.0 self-diagnostic tool aimed at helping companies worldwide – regardless of size, industry, and digital maturity – evaluate the current state of their factories and plants. Validated by a global advisory panel of industry experts, the Assessment Matrix is designed to strike a balance among technical rigour, usability, and relevance. To date, more than 2,000 Manufacturers worldwide have utilised it, both formally and informally, to assess their manufacturing facilities.

COSIRI Prioritisation Index

The COSIRI Prioritisation Index comprises three layers. The topmost layer identifies four fundamental building blocks of sustainable manufacturing: 1) Strategy & Risk Management, 2) Sustainable Business Process, 3) Technology, and 4) Organisation and Governance.

The second layer underpinning the building blocks comprises nine key pillars, which represent critical aspects that manufacturers must focus on to become sustainability-ready organisations. Finally, the third layer consists of 24 dimensions, which are areas of assessment that manufacturers can use to evaluate the current sustainability transformation readiness of their factories, plants, or corporate.

A diagram of a customer sustainability index.

Prioritisation Matrix

We developed the Prioritisation Matrix to help manufacturers translate the TIER framework principles into practice. This management planning tool guides manufacturers to consider four inputs, each reflecting a key principle in the TIER framework, and ultimately identifies high-priority COSIRI dimensions where improvements will bring the most benefit.

TIER Framework

Prioritisation is the next crucial exercise in formulating effective sustainability transformation roadmaps, as it helps manufacturers identify business areas where improvements will generate the most value. The TIER Framework outlines four principles for manufacturers to consider as part of a holistic prioritisation exercise. By evaluating these four principles, manufacturers can better focus their efforts and resources on activities that bring the greatest benefits.



Develop an in-depth
Understanding of the company current Sustainability Maturity level



Identify themes with High GHG Reduction potential based on the Company’s GHG emission profile



Determine the sustainabillity business objectives that are most critical to the company to guide the selection of relevant sustainabillity areas



Learn from the leading sustainability practice of the broader manufacturing community
