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Líderes mundiais reunidos na Reunião Anual do Fórum Econômico Mundial de 2023


| January 26, 2023

From 16 January to 20 January 2023, world leaders congregated at the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2023 in Davos, Switzerland to discuss topics around the theme, “Cooperation in a Fragmented World”. 

The event marked the 53rd iteration of the WEF’s yearly meeting, reaffirming the value and imperative of dialogue and public-private cooperation. Leaders also discussed how the socioeconomic and geopolitical issues and crises the world continues to face can be addressed as it exits the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Find out how leaders in government, business and the community are looking to drive change and solve the issues of today and tomorrow, against the backdrop of unprecedented climate, financial and societal uncertainties aqui


Fundada com o objetivo de liderar a transformação da produção global, a International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) defende as jornadas dos fabricantes na Indústria 4.0 e defende a ascensão global da produção inteligente. O INCIT é um instituto independente e não governamental que desenvolve e implementa estruturas, ferramentas, conceitos e programas de referência global para todas as partes interessadas na indústria, a fim de ajudar a desencadear a transformação digital

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