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INCIT, 스위스 스마트 팩토리와 협력해 '스마트 지속가능 제조 혁신 센터' 설립


| August 21, 2023

The International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) has collaborated with Swiss Smart Factory to establish a customised manufacturing facility, named the ‘Smart Sustainable Manufacturing Transformation Centre (SSMTC)’. This innovative collaboration marks a significant step forward in advancing the principles of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing.

What is the significance of this collaboration?

1. Comprehensive Expertise

The collaboration combines the expertise of two influential entities in the field of smart manufacturing. The Swiss Smart Factory brings its knowledge and experience in advanced manufacturing technologies, while INCIT contributes its insights into industrial transformation strategies and global trends.

2. Data-Driven Insights

The integration of the 스마트산업 준비지수(SIRI) and XIRI-Analytics provides a data-driven approach to factory design and transformation. By analysing a wide range of relevant transformation data, including technology readiness, workforce skills and operational efficiency, this collaboration can offer informed recommendations for optimising factory layouts.

3. Industry Segment-Level Customisation

The emphasis on designing factories at an industry segment level underscores a tailored approach to manufacturing transformation. Different industries have unique segment requirements, processes and challenges. By considering these specificities, we can develop customised transformation strategies that align with the needs of various industry sectors, maximising the impact of Industry 4.0 technologies.

4. Global Relevance

The collaboration between these two entities has the potential to drive global impact. The combined knowledge and resources can be disseminated internationally, contributing to the advancement of smart manufacturing practices on a global scale.

5. Innovation Hub

The SSMTC is a hub for innovation and knowledge exchange. It will attract and bring in industry leaders, researchers, and policymakers who seek to stay at the forefront of manufacturing advancements. The centre becomes a space where ideas are generated, tested, and refined, hence fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

6. Economic Competitiveness

By promoting the adoption of smart manufacturing practices, similar upcoming centres will contribute to the economic competitiveness of the involved regions and industries. This, in turn, strengthens the overall industrial ecosystem and positions it as a global leader in advanced manufacturing.

Utilising SIRI and XIRI-Analytics, the collaboration represents a powerful synergy that advances the future of manufacturing. By designing future model factories at an industry segment level and incorporating the industry 4.0 training taxonomy, these innovation centres hold a valuable and important promise of driving innovation, customisation, and global competitiveness across industries.

방문하다 incit.org/en/services/siri/ to learn more about SIRI or contact us at [email protected] 자세한 내용은.


글로벌 제조 혁신을 주도하겠다는 목표로 설립된 International Centre for Industrial Transformation(INCIT)는 제조업체의 Industry 4.0 여정을 옹호하고 스마트 제조의 글로벌 상승을 옹호합니다. INCIT는 디지털 혁신을 촉발하기 위해 모든 제조 이해관계자를 위해 전 세계적으로 참조되는 프레임워크, 도구, 개념 및 프로그램을 개발하고 배포하는 독립적인 비정부 기관입니다.

문의사항은 다음 주소로 이메일을 보내주세요. [email protected]

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