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BSI: Mitra akreditasi global SIRI terbaru dari INCIT


| Agustus 30, 2022

The UK National Standards Body, BSI, has recently partnered with INCIT to become a global Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) Training and Certification Centre. The partnership aims to boost Industry 4.0 transformation worldwide through the training and accreditation of Certified SIRI Assessors (CSAs).

Through this partnership, BSI now offers the Certified SIRI Assessor Programme to industry players who want to become CSAs and leverage SIRI to drive digital transformation in manufacturing.

Candidates who have the necessary prerequisites will undergo a five-day training course to acquire the knowledge and competencies that they need to carry out Official SIRI Assessments (OSAs). They will also learn how to use the results of the OSA to advise, engage and guide their client appropriately, so the client can advance on their Industry 4.0 transformation journey.

For more information, visit BSI’s website Di SiniPelajari lebih lanjut tentang SIRI dengan menjelajahi situs web kami, or contact us to discuss potential avenues for partnership at [email protected].

Tentang INCIT

Didirikan dengan tujuan untuk menjadi ujung tombak transformasi manufaktur global, International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) memperjuangkan perjalanan industri manufaktur di Industri 4.0, dan mendukung kebangkitan global manufaktur cerdas. INCIT adalah lembaga independen non-pemerintah yang mengembangkan dan menerapkan kerangka kerja, alat, konsep, dan program yang direferensikan secara global untuk semua pemangku kepentingan manufaktur, untuk membantu memicu transformasi digital

Untuk pertanyaan, silakan kirim email kepada kami di [email protected]

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