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Creciente alcance de COSIRI: Capgemini capacita y certifica al primer grupo de asesores de sustentabilidad para Europa y América


| May 4, 2023

INCIT is proud to share that our acceleration partner Capgemini has recently concluded the training and certification of the world’s first European and American COSIRI assessors. This will scale COSIRI to reach more manufacturers worldwide.

COSIRI, or INCIT’s new Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index, was launched earlier this year to help drive smarter and more sustainable manufacturing across the globe, and our COSIRI assessors have an important role to play in enabling this transformation.

Assessors will conduct official assessments of manufacturing organisations using the COSIRI framework. This will provide the business with a measure of its performance on the sustainability front, enable benchmarking against its peers, and help the business to strategise and create roadmaps to work towards the organisation’s sustainability goals. The COSIRI assessment will also allow greater transparency and visibility of how sustainable a business or product truly is, so consumers can make more informed choices.

By working with our partners and expanding our global footprint to bring COSIRI assessors and assessments where they are most needed, we aim to drive real, enduring change and make manufacturing more sustainable. The Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index is the first global index that measures and certifies manufacturers’ transformation journey towards Net Zero.

Acerca de INCIT

Fundada con el objetivo de encabezar la transformación de la fabricación global, la International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) defiende los viajes de los fabricantes hacia la Industria 4.0 y aboga por el aumento global de la fabricación inteligente. INCIT es un instituto no gubernamental independiente que desarrolla e implementa marcos, herramientas, conceptos y programas de referencia global para todas las partes interesadas en la fabricación, con el fin de ayudar a impulsar la transformación digital.

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