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INCIT launches LinkedIn newsletter ‘Manufacturing Insider’


| July 27, 2023

The manufacturing industry’s digital transformation has progressed tremendously in recent years and is not showing signs of slowing down. To help our partners and network keep up with the latest trends and observations amid the constantly evolving industry landscape, we have launched our LinkedIn newsletter, ‘Manufacturing Insider’.

With this new monthly LinkedIn newsletter, we aim to deliver insightful thought leadership content and uncover some of the latest trends in Industry 4.0 and digital transformation around the world.

Subscribe to our LinkedIn newsletter here and sign up for our monthly email newsletter to stay up to date with the latest developments in manufacturing.


Founded with the goal to spearhead global manufacturing transformation, the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) champions the Industry 4.0 journeys of manufacturers, and advocates for the global rise of smart manufacturing. INCIT is an independent, non-government institute that develops and deploys globally referenced frameworks, tools, concepts and programmes for all manufacturing stakeholders, in order to help spark digital transformation

For enquiries, please email us at [email protected]

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