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Industry talks to advance manufacturing transformation

Empowering the workforce with people-centric production

Join Dr Elisa Roth, Co-founder and CEO of Augmented Industries GmbH, as she shares the importance of people-centricity in the modern digital manufacturing landscape, and the basic principles and applicable ‘how-to’ elements to empower leaders to shape people-centric productions systems in their companies.

In this GETIT session, you will learn about why putting people at the centre of your digital transformation strategy can enhance technology adoption rates, improve employee engagement, further continuous improvement and save costs.

Interested in finding out more about people-centricity and how you can boost your company’s performance? Reach out to Dr Elisa Roth here:

Email: [email protected]

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Co-Founder and CEO, Augmented Industries

Dr. Elisa Roth is a dedicated industrial engineer with a passion for workforce empowerment, sustainability, and entrepreneurship. She is driven by her commitment to contribute positively to the global manufacturing community….

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